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Tuition Cost

In Missio Dei School we desire to bring the best possible teachers and the best experience
possible. That means that we have to charge tuition to make this program possible. Since we are
beginning this program “from scratch”, the financial information may change a little. We have
worked hard to make various estimates and we consulted various people and organizations to
get precise numbers to the best of our abilities. However, this info may still change. Overall, you
can use the following information as a general guide.

The Missio Dei School tuition cost is $650 per month. This amount covers education, housing
and 2 meals a day Monday to Friday (breakfast and lunch). The total amount will be $3,900 for
the six-month residency on our campus in Minneapolis.

A $500 deposit and a $30 nonrefundable application fee (total $530) are to be submitted with the

We will update this information soon with several discounts to make the tuition cost less. For
example, you may be able to pay less if you pay the full tuition payment in a one time payment and other possible discounts.

We have several scholarship opportunities available. Let us know if you want information about
scholarship opportunities.

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