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Dear friends, 


Today I need to make a sad announcement that we need to suspend our plans to start Missio Dei School. We were planning to start our classes in the fall of 2020 and to send the students for mission work in the spring of 2021. However, with the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic and all the chaos that this situation brought we simply cannot do it. 


It is a sad decision for us because many thoughts, dreams, plans, and efforts went into preparing the program, spreading the word about it, and gathering funds to make it happen. Yet, it is simply impossible to begin our school in this situation. We have lost many opportunities to recruit the future students and many of our teachers will not be able to come because of travel limitations. In addition to this, many hosts in many countries, where we had planned to do missions, report that they do not know how their mission work will continue. 


At this point we see that we need to re-evaluate our situation and possibly come up with a different plan. Meanwhile, pray for us that we continue to serve the Lord wholeheartedly and passionately. In spite of this situation, we are still committed to evangelism and missions and hope that you are committed to the Lord’s work as well. May our All-knowing God show us the way and give us clarity how we can be effective witnesses of Christ in our everchanging world. 



Sincerely in Christ, 


Pastor Vitaliy Bak

You may wonder:


Missio Dei is a Latin phrase meaning “Mission of God.”

This phrase has been used in Christian theology to emphasize that it is not people who start the concept of mission, but that God takes initiative of mission work. Mission is not a department of church ministry or denomination but mission of salvation is something that God started long time ago, right from the time of the Fall of humanity into sin. Thus, in many ways, the story of the Bible is the story of God's mission. 


God was and is on the mission to save the fallen humanity.

Very close to the idea of mission or being on the mission is the idea of being sent. A missionary is someone who is sent with a task to complete. Jesus was a missionary, He was sent by His Father and we can very well see this in Jesus prayer to the Father: "As you sent me into the world, I have sent them into the world." (John 17:18).  When the followers of Christ respond in obedience to His command to make disciples, they take on a similar task that Jesus had: they are sent into the world with the message of the gospel. Missio Dei School serves as a springboard for Christians to start thinking seriously about God's mission, to prepare to participate in the mission, and to grow into more committed followers of Christ in the process.

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